No announcement, never mind. Our eagle-eyed Singaporeans know everything.

Case in point: everyone congratulating WP politician Nicole Seah on her pregnancy.

Singaporeans, Also Known As Experts at Photo Investigations

A picture says a thousand words. Multiple pictures…say that Nicole Seah is pregnant?

The East Coast GRC politician posted multiple pictures of herself in the iconic Workers’ Party (WP) blue polo shirt, documenting her team’s interactions with the residents across three days (6, 8 and 9 January).

She shared how her team discussed issues like costs of living with the residents in preparation for the GST hikes this year. The East Coast GRC team also supported Willing Hearts’ charitable distribution of cooked food and Chinese New Year decorations at Fengshan, and conducted market visits to chat with residents.

Although she kept the focus of the posts on her team’s activities and did not say anything about herself, eagle-eyed Singaporeans noticed the bump in her photos. They congratulated Seah on her pregnancy in the comments.

No Comment from Seah and WP about Singaporeans’ Observations

Apparently, her baby bump could already be seen two months before her recent posts. Seah, who has a daughter, is believed to be in her second trimester of pregnancy.

Both WP and Seah declined to comment.

This is no surprise, as WP is known to stay silent on their members’ personal lives. They’ve always chosen to stay focused on political issues instead of personal ones.

Even when members announced their pregnancies, it has always been kept on the down-low. Former WP MP Raeesah Khan announced her pregnancy in a casual Instagram post caption following the 2020 General Election. Sengkang MP He Ting Ru didn’t even announce her pregnancy, choosing to share about her third son only after she has given birth.

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Do Singaporeans All Have Pregnancy Radars?

This is not the first time that Singaporeans have known about a pregnancy before an announcement was made.

Netizens guessed popular influencer Naomi Neo’s first pregnancy before her YouTube video reveal. YouTuber JianHao Tan and Debbie posted a series of cryptic images on Instagram that had fans convinced that Debbie was pregnant.

This leads us to the conclusion that Singaporeans are just really, really sensitive to pregnancies. Or maybe we’re all too kaypoh for our own good.

An announcement or not, we wish Seah all the best if a baby is indeed on the way!

Read Also:

Featured Image: (Nicole Seah)

By Frozen

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