Seafood is no doubt one of the most delicious dishes to eat, especially when it is fresh.

But it turns out, we aren’t the only ones who enjoy some fresh seafood.

Another group of mammals have started going on a hunt for their own delicacy – pet fish.

Otters Sneaked into House for a Feast

On Friday (11 March), several otters sneaked into a house along Jalan Tari Payong, feasted on the koi and luohan fish and left the headless remains of their meal behind. The audacity.

The owner of the fish is an elderly man, 76, who told Shin Min Daily News that he returned home from his morning exercise to see four otters running towards a nearby drain. One of them hid under a car.

“My neighbour told me that they saw an otter with a koi in its mouth jumping out of the gate,” he said.

His domestic helper then found four to five koi with their heads bitten off lying on the lawn near the pond. RIP.  

“The otters also ate five koi I had bought last December,” he added.

The otters sure knew how to select the quality of seafood because they also devoured the luohan fish that the senior and his wife had reared for 17 years in a smaller pond.

And just like that, several of the couple’s pet fish were consumed during a break-in and theft.

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How The Otters Got In

The man suspected that the otters sneaked into the house from the left fence.

He also shared that the mammals ate seven koi at his neighbour’s house two weeks ago. Now that makes two break-ins and theft.

“After that incident, my neighbour placed plastic nets over his pond to prevent the otters from attacking the fish,” he said.

This might have led the otters to seek food elsewhere in the estate, the senior and his wife said.

To prevent the otters from visiting again, the couple plans to seal the gap in the iron gate with a safety net.

Last year, over 100 fish fell prey to otters at the Church of St Teresa. Some of the koi had been carefully raised by church staff and gardeners for more than 15 years.

Well, it seems otters do have expensive taste too. So if you own koi or luohan fish, you might want to start protecting them from grubby otter hands.

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Featured Image: GOLFX /

By Frozen

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