Well, at least this was an engine error, and not the pilots getting rusty on their flying skills.

Singapore Airlines is known for its impeccable service, and consistently ranked amongst the world’s best airlines.

That’s why it came as a surprise when an SIA flight travelling from London to Singapore turned back shortly after take-off.

Encountered “Vibrations” on Boeing 777 Engine After Take-Off

On 25 March, Flight SQ305, which was going to travel from London to Singapore, turned back after take-off… Due to “vibrations” on one of its Boeing 777-300ER’s engines.

Yes, that sounds really ominous. But SIA didn’t give further details about the vibrations, and just said that the flight encountered technical issues.

The pilots made the precautionary decision to turn back to London because of the vibrations, citing that the safety of passengers and crew is the top priority.

Flightradar24, a flight-tracking site, showed that the plane had just flown over Romania before it was turned back around.

The flight safely returned to London’s Heathrow Airport at around 2:10pm.

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Providing Support to Affected Passengers

There were 225 passengers and 18 crew on board the flight, and they’re probably glad that the pilots made the safe call and U-turned the plane.

Affected passengers will be provided with all possible support, including rebooking of alternative flights.

At Least Pilots Knew What They Were Doing

Thought we were joking about pilots getting rusty?

Nope. There are actual cases where pilots haven’t flown in so long due to the pandemic, they forgot how to fly the plane properly.

In one incident, a pilot forgot to start his plane’s second engine for takeoff but fortunately aborted the flight in time.

Another pilot who was landing a plane was several hundred metres from the ground when he realised he hadn’t lowered the wheels yet. He did so in the nick of time, when the aircraft was 240m from the ground.

Perhaps the most amusing incident involved a pilot who flew a passenger plane in the wrong direction. 

After knowing about these flights… yeah, let’s just say we’re all thankful that our SIA pilots aren’t rusty, and managed to keep themselves composed to make the safest decision for everyone.

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Featured Image: Flightradar24

By Frozen

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