In a dramatic incident akin to the 2008 animated movie Bolt, an adorable dark brown doggie has escaped from her crate at the Changi Airport.

Oreo, a dog with a shiny black fur coat, either bashed or chewed through her crate and escaped while she and her family were boarding an SQ plane yesterday afternoon.

Dog, Lost

Facebook user Peixuan Sng has now posted a notice on “Lost and Found Pets in Singapore” calling for the public to help her find her missing canine.

Image: Facebook (Peixuan Sng)

Apparently, at around 3-4pm on 2 April, her dog escaped from her crate and went missing. 

The Changi Airport staff has been searching for Oreo since, but all attempts so far to locate her have been futile, despite the fact that they have even used Peixuan’s iPad to activate Oreo’s Airtag. 

Ms Sng has asked those in the airport and living around the area to keep an eye out for her dog. 

Her dog apparently likes to hide in shelters and corners when she’s afraid, but loves people. 

Oreo also has a sister dog named Toffee, adopted just one month after her to keep her company. Both of them are Singapore Special dogs under the care of Ms Sng and her partner. 

Image: Instagram (@oreoandtoffee)

If you have any information on Oreo, please do contact Ms Sng at 9643 5944.

Second Time this Year

Earlier this year, on the 21 January, another dog escaped from her crate in Changi Airport while she and her family were on their way to New Zealand. 

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Her family also took to Facebook to look for her, asking for prayers and everyone to keep an eye out for their dog, Lola. 

Eventually, Lola was found, and made her way to New Zealand with her family. 

Read Also:

Featured Image: Facebook (Peixuan Sng), The Light Lab /

By Frozen

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