You probably know of the messaging app Telegram. It’s quite popular amongst young people as being a “cool” or “hip” app.

It’s better than WhatsApp in some ways.

But did you also know that Telegram also has a “dark side” where other less savoury kinds of messages are being shared?

Vices are rife on the messaging app, which some think is more secure than its competitors.

It seems that the latest illegal thing uncovered on Telegram is a chat leaking videos of people having sex in HDB blocks.

Here is more about the shocking revelation, which the authorities have, of course, caught wind of.

Telegram Allegedly Has a Private Chat Sending Videos of People Having Sex at HDB Blocks

It seems like parents are rightfully worried about what their children are accessing on their phones.

Earlier this week, on 22 October 2023, the Chinese news outlet Shin Min reported that Telegram hosts a private channel which posts some lewd content.

What content? You may want to sit down before hearing this. People were having sex at HDB blocks.

Shin Min received a tip-off from a reader about this group. We can’t help but wonder just how this reader managed to get wind of this information.

The group reportedly has an admin who regularly posts such lewd content, and the majority of the people in the content are young women.

According to the admin, some of the content involves a male superior and a female intern “messing around” in the office.

Over ten videos posted on the group mention that the man and woman featured in the video are doing the deed at the HDB flats.

Shin Min also reported the admin saying that many videos were provided by channel subscribers, and some people even encouraged others to leave comments guessing which HDB blocks were featured.

Unsurprisingly, the group is quite popular. Shin Min reported that there are close to 9,000 members in the group.

According to Shin Min reporters who did some research (for professional purposes, we are sure), there were about 8,700 members in the group when the checks were done.

Of course, such a group potentially flouts several laws in Singapore.

According to lawyers who spoke to Shin Min, sending lewd content, as in the present case, could flout at least two laws.

This includes spreading such content without the content of the people in the video, which could come with a penalty of up to five years in jail, a fine or both.

For spreading intimate content of others without their consent, an offender may face up to five years in jail, a fine, caning or any combination of these.

Let’s hope the offenders get caught and sentenced, like what happened to those involved in the “SG Nasi Lemak” group.

By Frozen

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