Still doesn’t have a reusable mask?

Well, you’d better collect your free one from the CC now because from tomorrow (12 April 2020) onwards, you’d be stuck with almost no places to go without a mask.

Because from 12 April 2020 onwards, a new measure would be imposed: unless you’ve a mask on, you’d not be allowed into supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies and shopping malls.

Yes, masks are now bigly le.

Malls & Supermarkets Will Deny Entry to People Who Don’t Wear a Mask from Tomorrow (12 Apr) Onwards

In an announcement that took everyone by surprise, Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Tourism Board suddenly said in a joint statement that with effect from 12 April 2020, “all customers visiting supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies and shopping malls must wear masks to safeguard their own health and well-being, as well as that of other customers and staff working at these premises.”

No mask? No entry.

Also, they’ve provided some recommendations to follow:

  • Visit supermarkets, convenience stores and pharmacies on weekdays or during non-peak hours on weekends. I don’t know about you but since the Circuit Breaker started, I don’t know when is weekday and when is weekend le
  • Make your purchase fast and leave the premises after your purchase; don’t stay back to chat with the cute cashier even when you think you look so much better with your mask on
  • Don’t bring family members to the supermarket, especially the elderly. Your elderly parents can teach you how to spot the best-est watermelon with a glare, which is a valuable skill that’s be useful even after the Circuit Breaker period is over
  • Check out to find out crowd levels in malls and supermarkets; you actually own that platform since it’s made with taxpayers’ money, so make full use of it

Now, with us having to wear a mask in public transport and in supermarkets, and with us just in public transport and supermarkets, I think you can say that all of us now look a tad better now whenever we’re out in public.

Reader Bao: I go out to exercise daily

Yeah, I believe you.

But anyways, that’s indeed the only time that you don’t look like a ninja when you’re in public.

So, why the need for masks?

Asymptomatic Transmission

There’s increasing evidence that people can transmit Covid-19 to others before they experience symptoms (presymptomatic) or even when they don’t experience symptoms at all (asymptomatic).

This is why Singapore is changing its view on wearing face masks because of these silent, “hidden” carriers.

A study in Singapore, for example, showed that at least 10 people got the coronavirus from those without symptoms.

So yes, it’s to protect everyone around you.

By Frozen

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