Now, before you notice that the writer is male and riot because how can a male possibly give good fashion advice…we do know our eyelash extensions.

I have to admit that there aren’t many things boys find good for frivolous things like this except being used for a mohawk bird.

Image: Reddit (u/Aquagenie)

And at the very least, we boys found an actual good use for eyelashes, unlike when one of you found a use for it in nose hair extensions (potentially Not Safe For Life link and image).

I’m certainly not asking you to stop using eyelash extensions to look fabulous. Looking fabulous is a good thing.

Image: Giphy

I’m also not going to pretend I know anything about beauty. Hey, you’re on GoodyFeed, not BeautyFeed.

But science is something we can all agree on.

Here’s a reminder for the eyelash users: Eyelash extensions & single-use falsies are breeding ground for bacteria & fungi.

And to our main topic:

Wearing Eyelash Extensions Can Weaken Natural Eyelashes

Why it is so is quite simple: turns out, eyelashes are a bit like muscles in that they tend to get weaker as they age. And what happens if you try to lift a weight that’s beyond your own arm strength? Your arms break, that’s what.

It’s the same for eyelashes; and in eyelashes’ case, the weights are the eyelash extension and glue. Too much weight and they break, damaging the existing lash hair follicle.

But unlike muscles which can cause you pain for making them suffer and overwork, eyelashes simply just sacrifice themselves and die. #workerrightsforeyelashes

This, of course, means that if done frequently enough you’ll look like Voldemort. It’ll make for cool cosplay, for what it’s worth.


This is called traction alopecia. And when something has a Wikipedia page with a scientific-sounding name dedicated to it, it’s best you don’t mess around with it.

So go to the salon to get your extensions professionally removed. If there are signs of lash loss, you should give your eyelashes a well-deserved four to six-week paid vacation. You decide whether they should be on a paid vacation to Hawaii, but the professionals advise a break from extension sessions.

Assess What You Look Like Naturally

The average human has between 90 to 150 eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Eyelash extensions add 50 to 90 extra lashes. Trust me; Goody Feed writers have too much time on their hands and we counted.

Why this matters is that we naturally shed one to four eyelashes a day, and the extensions and falsies shed along with it, which gives the impression that you’re balding prematurely and excessively.

The unfortunate thing is age also causes eyelashes to thin.

So it’s best to take a break from extensions for a couple of weeks. Assess what your eyelashes are like naturally and snap a pic so you can have a comparison.

Image: merryllchristine

Help! What Else Can I Do?

  • A well-balanced diet is always beneficial. Take multivitamins rich in biotin, zinc, vitamin B and iron.
  • Remove eye makeup gently. Use an eye makeup remover pad or douse a cotton ball in mineral, then place it over the lashes for 10 seconds to dissolve the makeup. The makeup should be easily wipeable without rubbing or scrubbing.
  • Use alternatives. Magnetic false lashes, eyelash tint, or an eyelash lift. Go for self-heating eyelash curler and mascaras.
  • Apply eyelash serums with Arginine to help restore hair.
  • Use plant-based oil that promotes hair growth and strengthens hair like castor, olive or coconut oil.
  • Go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for lash-growth products containing bimatoprost.

Good luck to looking extra-fabulous.

By Frozen

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