While everyone is celebrating the fact that Phase 2 is coming, there’s one particular group of people who might be unhappy about it.

Worried parents and students.

Seeing the hundreds of cases on a daily basis, is it really safe enough for my kids to go out?

After being told that Covid-19 is incredibly infectious, is any measure enough to block Covid-19 from my darling son?

Image: Giphy

Well, here are two things that could put your minds at rest.

Mask-Wearing Is Effective At Curbing Covid-19 Transmission

Previously, a new study said that wearing masks is way more effective at curbing Covid-19 transmission than even safe-distancing measures.

In fact, according to the data, it might be even more effective at protecting people than social distancing measures.

With compulsory mask-wearing rules on the streets of Singapore, everyone should be safe, right?

Now, the study looks legit and the findings presented in the study sound logical but you just have that niggling feeling in your mind.

After all, it’s the US. The country where the leader wants to open up the economy despite deaths and said it’s okay to drink bleach (allegedly as a joke).

Reader Bao: Could this study be rigged?

You’ve read my mind, my dear baobaoness.

Reader Bao: Well, technically, I’m you-

Anyway, if you’ve had suspicions whether any measures can be good enough for your precious kid, here’s the second piece of information that might put your minds at ease. Somewhat.

Effectiveness of Masks & Safe-Distancing Proven As Student Who’s Tested Positive Did not Infect Anyone Else

A student at St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School, a 15-year-old girl, tested positive for Covid-19 on 12 June 2020.

During the daily visual and temperature screening on 10 June, a teacher spotted that the student was unwell.

She was immediately isolated and sent home and did not return to school after.

She had come into contact with 59 staff members and fellow students before she tested positive.

All of them were placed on Leave of Absence (LOA) or quarantine while awaiting their results.

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On 14 June, MOH also said that the 47 students in close contact with the same patient did not get infected too.

On 15 June, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported that the 12 staff members who were in close contact with her tested negative too.

They had done a serological test on her too and results indicated that she was infected even before school reopened.

Yes, she had infected no one despite the fact that she was carrying the virus since day 1 of school reopening.

An environment where students are kept in close contact for long periods of time.

Image: gifpy

Maybe that’s why Phase 2 came so early this time: the authorities knew that their measures against Covid-19 are on the right track.

Education Minister Had Assured Worried Parents That Schools Will Be Safe For Students

Previously, when it was announced that students will have to return to schools, parents were worried.


That worry was magnified after reports of students and staff Covid-19 cases started appearing.

Then, the Minister of Education, Ong Ye Kung, stepped forward to assure parents that measures put into place by MOE will safeguard students from Covid-19.

Some of the measures include:

  • Earlier detection of Covid-19 cases by testing students and staff the first time they go see a doctor for Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI)
  • Compulsory mask-wearing
  • Safe-distancing measures
  • Daily health screening

With all students required to go back to school in Phase 2, at least knowing that these measures are effective enough to protect your kids will put many parents’ minds at rest while they work.

And if a cluster really forms within a school, that particular school will be closed.


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By Frozen

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