If you’re in the mood for some tear-jerking, heartbreaking article, this is the one for you.

Prepare your tissues.

This is Michael Robert Marampe, a young doctor in Indonesia.

Image: Instagram (mikemarampe)

The beautiful lady beside him is his fiancee, Tri Novia Septiani.

They were supposed to get married on 11 Apr but it had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now They Won’t Have A Chance To

Dr Michael has passed away from Covid-19 last Saturday.

A week before he died, he posted a video on his Instagram account, @mikemarampe, sharing that he was one of the victims of Covid-19 in Indonesia.

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Selamat pagi teman teman semua ,salam sejahtera saya dokter Mikhael Robert Marampe saya dinyatakan covid 19 melalu rapid test dan saat ini saya dirawat dengan baik oleh rekan rekan tim medis @rs_persahabatan yang luar biasa semangat tekun tanpa pandang lelah.Saya sudah berada disini 8 hari dan Puji Tuhan Keluhan Saya semakin membaik hanya tinggal batuk sedikit sedikit. •Buat teman teman yang ada di garda terdepan tetap semangat dan wajib menggunakan APD yang sesuai standart •Semangat Selalu dokter ,perawat ,dan semua tim yang mengambil bagian dalam memerangi COVID-19 •Buat teman teman lainnya bantu kami tim medis dengan tetap dirumah dan beraktifitas di rumah • KITA PASTI MENANG !! TUHAN MEMBERKATI DAN SELALU DALAM PERLINDUNGANNYA • #dokterindonesia @jokowi @idi.jakartapusat @ikatandokterindonesia @samuel.e.rarumangkay @patrapaat @sheellylim @wilton_wylie @ingridanggraeni @risdaymanik @gilbert.tapilatu @bastenpiece @mathiusleonardo #covi̇d19 #gardaterdepancovid19 @yalla_leiden @doc_putri_91 @bob.jordyansyah @ppdsgram

A post shared by Michael Marampe , MD (@mikemarampe) on

He asks for his fellow healthcare workers to always prioritise their safety when doing their job and wear proper protective gear at work.

In the video, he also asks for them to keep their spirits up and said that even though he’s down with the virus, he has no regrets.

“For me, to become a doctor is something to be proud of as it allows me to serve patients and help many people. There’s no regret.”

On the same day, he had also posted about his fiancee to thank her for being the “most beautiful gift in my life”.

That turns out to be his last post.

Fiancee Equally Proud Of Her Late Fiance

In an Instagram post a day later, his fiancee, Tri Novia Septiani, expressed how proud she is of him.

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Sayang bahkan di hari terakhir kamu pergi,kamu membuatku, papi, mami, pici, papah,mama BANGGA saayaanggg ☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️???????? Maaf sayang aq hanya bisa menemani km sampai disini…,tapi,CINTA,SAYANG dan PERASAANKU tetap sama,only for you sampai km menutup mata.Dari dulu aq tau Tuhan Yesus selalu bilang PlanKu Lebih indah dari plan yg kalian buat,that’s why kenapa aq ngga pernah berpaling sama orang lain,Karna satu Hal… km sangat tau prinsipku aq mau jadi contoh yg baik ketika suatu hari kelak menjadi istri dan seorang ibu ?,dan hal itu yg membuat kita sekalipun goyah tetap tau di mna rumah terbaik kita ?… Sayang ada satu lagi janji yg aq mau tepatin sama km, aq akan kelarin Lagu yg km buat buat aq “KAU YANG TERAKHIR”,yang harusnya kita bawakan pada pernikahan kita tgl 11 April kemaren trus mundur ke tgl 12 september ini… km udah bikin MUSIK YANG SANGAT INDAH sayang aq selalu dengerin ☺️☺️ waktu km bikin ??… sekarang giliranku untuk take suara, aq akan persembahkan suara terindah buat km ya sayang…❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️?? Mainkan piano yg indah ya sayang buat Tuhan Yesus…,aku juga di sini selalu benyanyi, sampai ketemu disana ya sayang kita Bikin KONSER BESAR sama Semua orang disurga suatu hari nanti….??❤️❤️❤️??? I LOVE YOU so much my teddy bear nyum2ki hambuk mula tumpak munceess (Ini bahasa absurd kita berdua ??) Aku tau km pun sangat mencintakuu sayangg ??❤️❤️❤️ Sampai bertemu lagi sayangku ❤️❤️❤️ Dari yang sangat mengasihimu NYUME…❤️❤️❤️??☺️☺️☺️ #ppdsgram #coronavirus #viruscoronadiindonesia #covid_19 #dokterindonesia #tenagamedisindonesia #doktermuda #coronavirusupdate

A post shared by MIKNOV (@miknov.id) on

She promised to finish the song that was supposed to be completed for their wedding on 11 Apr 2020, which was postponed by the virus outbreak.

“I love you so much […] and I know you loved me too. See you again, my dear,”

Image: Giphy

May Dr Michael rest in peace and our condolences to his fiancee and the rest of his loved ones.

Let’s Appreciate Our Healthcare Workers 

Singapore has been improving in the way we treat our healthcare workers.

From free food to clapping for them at 8pm, and more.

Follow us on Telegram for more informative & easy-to-read articles, or download the Goody Feed app for articles you can’t find on Facebook!

But here’s the best way we can appreciate them: by keeping them safer.

This means not going out.

And if you have to go out, to wear a mask at all times. After all, by keeping ourselves safe, it makes their jobs easier and safer too.


By Frozen

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