When you see this everywhere, you’d panic:

Simi? There’s a cluster in a shopping centre? And it’s in Yishun?

The last time a cluster was found in a mall (Mustafa Centre), it didn’t end well.

So it’s reasonable that you panic and decided to contribute to the fund that builds a wall around Yishun.

But don’t panic yet.

Northpoint City is 1 of the New Clusters Found by MOH on 25 April But It Comprises Previous Cases

Image: Google Maps

Apparently, news of Northpoint City having cases dated back on 14 and 15 April—that’s like more than 10 days ago.

Back then, on 17 April 2020, it was mentioned that 3 cleaners in the mall came down with COVID-19, and had worked in the South wing of the mall.

Yesterday, MOH confirmed the existence of the cluster, and it turns out that 7 people were in the cluster.

They are all previously confirmed cases.

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Apart from Northpoint City, there are also 6 more new clusters. 3 are dormitories:

  • ASPRI-Westlite Papan
  • Kian Teck Hostel
  • SCM Tuas Lodge

And another 2 are construction sites at

  • 8 Martin Place
  • 107 West Coast Vale

The last is at 21 Defu South Street 1.

So far, the largest cluster is S11 [email protected] Punggol, which currently has 2,268 cases, which is almost 18% of all the cases in Singapore.

Also, as of now, about 3% of all the 323,000 foreign workers living in dormitories have tested positive, and the authorities are still doing aggressive testing for them so the percentage might increase.

And by the way, yesterday (25 April 2020), we see the lowest number of community cases: there are 9 of them, with 7 being Singaporeans or Singapore PRs and 2 with long-term passes.

To know more about Yishun, you might want to check out this video:

(Check out our YouTube channel for more informative and entertaining videos!)

By Frozen

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