If you’re Singaporean, you probably have seen this face (Thomas Ong) before:

More well known as Wang Tian Cai 王沺裁, he is a well-liked celebrity on Channel 8.

He has acted in shows like Metamorphosis, C.L.I.F 2, You Can Be An Angel, and his last and final series Super Dad is scheduled to air in June 2020.

Just last year in August, the 50-year-old announced that he will be retiring and said he already had plans for himself. At his age, he is tired of acting and wants to do other things.

But nobody knows exactly what the “other things” referred to until just last week when 8World released an article on his retirement and revealed his new project.

Thomas Ong is Going To Sell Crystals

That’s right, his next project is to become a drug underlord selling high-quality crystal met-

Image: Giphy

Oh wait, he’s already out of acting.

He’s actually really going to sell crystals. Crystals that he has been wearing and showing on his Instagram feed the whole time.

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C ya 4 days later… ✈️

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中秋节快乐! 请你吃块月饼。? 生命就是一个个的过程拼凑起来的,像一次漫长的旅行。 如果人生中的每一天都在吃山珍海味,上街闲逛,一个月后你会腻得想吐。 少了过程,少了未知和不确定性,少了梦想,每一件事都是意料之内的话,人生就没什么乐趣的。 把每天上班工作当作是上网订机票和酒店,排队过关卡及搭飞机很讨厌很麻烦的事,最终才能去到你想去度假的地方。工作能结合到兴趣固然好。就算不是,拿了薪水你还是可以去慰劳自己滴。多爱自己一些吧。 活在当下,珍惜每一天哦。 不说了,我去收拾行李了。?

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AsiaOne referred to these crystals as “healing crystals”, though it’s not clear if this is the intended purpose.

How crystals became a career change started with an ambassadorship last year. He’s been attracted to crystals and started researching on them. Now, he’s figuring out how to turn this hobby into a business.

“Since I’ve been engrossed in crystals, I’ve been to China, Thailand etc. to buy various kinds of crystals and precious stones. Spent so much money, haha. I’ve discussed this with some business-savvy friends to see how we can set up this kind of online business. They’ll be in charge of sales while I’ll be designing the crystal accessories.”

Image: Giphy

This Isn’t The First Time Thomas Ong Has “Retired”

More than two years ago, he had said that “29th February” would be his final work as an actor.

So what gives then?

As he explains: “At that time, I wanted to rest after filming and definitely didn’t have an intention to continue. But I’ve been receiving comments from online friends who expressed that they wanted to see me act again. I happened to like the story of “Super Dad”, so I decided to take on the role. But, now I’m old, and tired, so I really won’t film again. ‘Super Dad’ will be my final project!”

He also says he will not be taking on guest appearances or supporting roles.

He Will Continue Supporting A Cambodian School

Thomas Ong was also known for his social work in Cambodia – he had been supporting a Cambodian school called Sopheak’s Friendship School since 2013.

He will continue with his social work.

“I will still continue. On average I go there annually, not only to visit the children, but also to check the accounts and ensure the in-charge doesn’t misuse the funds.”

I doubt many will support any actor leaving the career to sell crystals. But as someone with questionable career choices, here’s a little encouragement:

Image: Giphy

By Frozen

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