It appears that fewer people would be in Singapore at the end of this year, and we might finally be seeing tourists all over Singapore soon.

Currently, Singapore has opened Vaccinated Travel Lane with Brunei, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Before today, we got to know that South Korea would have a VTL with us from 8 November, too.

It turns out that it’s going to be more than South Korea.

Vaccinated Travel Lane Extended to Australia & Switzerland from 8 Nov

Today, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) announced that two more VTLs will be opened from 8 November: one with Australia and one with Switzerland.

However, it’s a tad different for the Australia VTL.

Two-way travel without quarantine applies only to fully vaccinated Australian citizens, permanent residents and their immediate families due to its current border measures.

In other words, the lane is only for Australian residents and their immediate family members.

For Switzerland, it would work like any VTL, so if you’ve been looking to visit the country after watching Crush Landing on You, start to save up now.

To know more about VTL, read this article.

More Countries Might Be in the VTL

CAAS said that the VTL scheme has been “successful”, and our dusty passports might finally come in handy as they now have the “experience and confidence” to extend it to more countries “in a cautious and step-by-step manner without compromising public health.”

As of yesterday (25 October), over 15,000 travellers have been issued passes under the VTL scheme, with about 5,000 of them having entered Singapore so far.

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Featured Image: SpaceKris /

By Frozen

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